Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Wonderful Book About Bulbs

I thought I'd share with you a little about a wonderful book that I received for Christmas from my mother-in-law, Fleurette.  As a fellow gardener Fleurette has a flare for picking out the best gardening-related gifts for me (lucky me!).  The book is called Bulb and it's by British author Anna Pavord's whose best-selling book the The Tulip is equally as beautiful. 
Bulb is filled with Pavord's first-hand knowledge of all the bulbs presented in this gorgeous book.  Photographed by Andrew Lawson and Torie Chugg each page is a visual delight married with informative, lush descriptions and the horticultural history of each bulb Pavord carefully selected for this publication.  Pavord tells you not only how to grow each bulb, but also what to pair them with for the most impact in the garden (invaluable information for any newbie like me).  



A large, heavy book at 544 pages I've savored it many times over on a cold winter day.  Opening a page and leaving it out the table often brings a warm smile to my face.  But don't let the sheer size of this book intimidate you.  It's so well written that both a novice gardener as well as an expert will enjoy it.  The book is not meant to be an encyclopedia of bulbs, but covers enough species from all over the world that it will keep the interest of any level of gardener.







  1. What a great Christmas present! That looks like a wonderful book.

  2. That looks like a great book. Perfect for winter time where you can dream about spring and summer gardens. What a perfect gift.

  3. That looks like a beautiful book! I bet you do enjoy looking at those gorgeous blooms!

  4. Hi Jackie~~ What a beautiful gift and from a loved one named Fleurette. Does it get any better than this?

  5. what a wonderful gift...and a great book full of gorgeous photos!


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